Historic Preservation

Preservation of the region’s historic and cultural resources is another service that local governments, organizations, and individuals rely on the Commission to achieve. Staff participates with the following programs:

1) National Register of Historic Places (NR) nominations. Listing in the NR provides recognition of a property’s architectural, historical or archaeological significance and identifies historic properties for planning purposes.  

2) Certified Local Government (CLG) Program. Staff works with local governments to prepare preservation ordinances; set up Historic Preservation Commissions (HPC); guidance with Design Guidelines; and, provide training and education of HPC members. A local government with a CLG designation is eligible for certain federal grants.

3) Historic Preservation Planning ensures that the region’s resources are included and promoted in planning activities such as comprehensive planning and heritage tourism programs.

3) Historic Resource Surveys identify existing historic properties in order to plan for their preservation and protect them.

4) Architectural Technical Assistance allows staff to participate in project consultations, make presentations, provide educational information, and undertake site visits.

5) State and Federal Tax Incentives are available to private property owners to encourage the adaptive use of historic buildings and the revitalization of historic neighborhoods and commercial areas.   The property must be listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

6) State and Federal Grants are available on a statewide competitive basis to local governments and non-profit organizations for projects that aid in the preservation of historic properties and for preservation planning.

7) Environmental Review and Compliance. Construction and demolition projects across the state have the potential to affect historic properties. Staff assists with review and preparation of Section 106 studies to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and other federal and state laws that ensure preservation values are considered and balanced with a federal- or state-funded project. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division, reviews and assesses the environmental effects of the project on an historic resource, historic district, or archaeological site.