Comprehensive Planning
In Georgia, all local governments are required to establish Comprehensive Plans (updated every 5 years), which include a community work program of activities for the next 5 years. The RC assists with these throughout the year. Currently, we are working on comprehensive plan updates for Sparta and Hancock County. The Hancock County plan represents a collaborative effort between the county and city. A public hearing is held to initiate the planning process; a second public hearing is held once the plan is drafted to receive final public comments on the draft.
Click here for copies of current community plans from across the region.
In 2022, Lincolnton, Lincoln County, Millen, and Jenkins County are completing plan updates. The final plans will include data, information and activities in the areas of economic development, broadband, housing, community facilities, natural and cultural resources, and land use, as well as community goals, needs and opportunities, and a 5-year work program of activities.