Current Bid Opportunities

The Augusta Chronicle is the Commission's legal organ. This page is provided as an additional service for potential bidders. To the best extent possible, CSRA RC will post requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for qualifications (RFQ) on this page. However, due to the possibility of technical difficulties associated with web page hosting, CSRA RC does not warrant or affirm that those bids listed below are the only current opportunities for responding to RFPs or RFQs.

The CSRA RC may, from time-to-time, issue Requests for Applications for grant funds that do not require open bidding and are earmarked for specific entities. In these cases, CSRA RC will notify potential applicants of the availability of such funds, and the RFA information may or may not be included on this site.



Request for Proposals - 2025 CSRA Senior Hunger Mini Grant

RFP Due Date: February 28, 2025 by 11:59 PM  

The CSRA Agency on Aging is requesting proposals for the 2025 Senior Hunger Mini Grants. The goal of the mini grants is to support local community partners and agencies in creating innovative ways to address senior hunger.

Senior Hunger Initiative in Georgia Background
In 2016, a group of stakeholders worked collectively to create a unified regional and statewide plan to address Georgia’s food insecurity. As a result, the group decided on five impact/ focus areas: Today’s Seniors, Impact of Senior Hunger on Health, Food Access, Food Reclamation and Waste, and Meeting the Needs of the Community. An additional recommendation from the group included funding to provide entrepreneurial mini grants to support creative initiatives at the local level to alleviate issues of senior hunger, food deserts, and isolation. You can access the state plan by clicking on this link: Georgia Senior Hunger State Plan.  
Senior Hunger Mini Grant Project Goals and Guidelines

These are one-time grants designed to support an ongoing project or provide seed money to initiate a new project. Based on the five impact areas identified by the state, projects can be based on the following three categories: Food Access, Food Reclamation and Waste, and Meeting the needs of the Community. Target audience is individuals 60 and older. Projects not related to senior hunger will not be awarded.  
Grant funding guidelines are listed below: 
  • Must be spent on serving individuals 60 and older.
  • Projects should reach individuals who do not receive regular meal or food services through CSRA Agency on Aging funding (i.e.: congregate meals, home delivered meals or material aid, food supplement boxes) 
Grant Application Process
Information Session
The CSRA Agency on Aging will host two virtual information sessions for all potential applicants on January 7th, 2025, from 10:00-10:30 am and 2:00-2:30 pm. The Agency will review the application process, project requirements, and reimbursement guidelines.  

Who Can Apply?
Agencies, faith-based organizations, local government, non-profits, and community organizations in the CSRA that are interested in addressing senior hunger.

Required for Submission
Eligible agencies and organizations are invited to apply by submitting the information noted on the application. The applications will undergo a thorough review process that may require follow-up questions to be answered. Applications must be received no later than 11:59 pm EST by February 28th, 2025.

If you are interested in responding to our Request for Proposals, please do so by the date noted in this RFP and in the manner described.

The RFP application is completed online.  To assist you with preparations for completing the online form, you can obtain a sample PDF version of the application here.

 Use this link to complete your application online.


